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Our Top Selling Hunting Pack Accessories
Hydro Pack
The best and most popular way to store mass water for easy access!
Lift & View Bino
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Protect your scope from harm with our padded spotter case. Measures 5″ x 18″.
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Nimrod Hands-Free Hunting Packages
A 10% savings when you purchase one of our popular hunting packages!
Experience the world of Hands Free Hunting, how? By inserting your firearm into a secure easy access scabbard! Your access to the firearm is attained by reaching your right hand over your right shoulder and grasping the grip portion of the rifle, it can be pushed up closer to your right hand with the free left hand at the muzzle end of the gun. Smoothly draw out your firearm following it down for the other hand to receive. This puts the rifle in a ready to shoot position. You never need feel that it is not accessible and ready for action. We recommend always removing your pack to reinsert the firearm. This is the safest method and worth using as a routine technique. Yes safety is definitely where its at with this incredible firearm system. On top of that, it will spoil you as you move through the woods negotiating wind-fall, thick brush and climbing and having two hands to hang on and operate with and not banging your scope against obstacles and rocks. Through all the rough going your gun is safe and ready to rock when you are!
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“I included your pack system in my hunting photo because I consider it one of my hunting ‘trophies.’ There is absolutely no doubt in my mind the Nimrod Pack System is the highest quality pack system on the market today!”

Donald M. Sargent
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Top Hunting Guns Every Hunter Should Own
If you’re an avid hunter, it is a no-brainer that hunting guns are essential to perform the activity, irrespective of the animal you’re looking for. Possessing the right firearms and ammunition can change the entire hunting experience. However, choosing the guns depends on your comfort, expertise, and the animal you wish to have for dinner. That said, some guns are always better than others. The animal’s anatomy also plays a significant role in choosing weapons and ammunition. Therefore, it is best to own different types if you’re a seasoned hunter and goes for regular hunting stools. Read ahead to find a list of the top 6 guns that make your task much more manageable while hunting.
12 Gauge shotgun
It is the most versatile gun used by beginners and seasoned hunters. It has a 3″ gauge with interchangeable chock tubes. It is used to hunt different animals – like ducks, geese, doves, rabbits, and squirrels. Since these guns are often associated with buckshot, they can be used to hunt even the most significant animals, like deer, in close proximity.
0.22 Caliber Rifle
Since these guns are smaller, they are used for hunting smaller animals like rabbits, squirrels, and so on. They comprise cartridges like 0.22 long rifles, 0.22 Winchester Rimfire Magnum, and so on. They are lightweight and inexpensive and are generally used by novice hunters to hunt smaller animals that run significantly slower.
Varmit Rifle
These guns are designed for hunting only varmints. If you do not pose concern about the animal’s pelt, then this is the best gun that can be used to get the job done, as it works with any cartridge. The bolt action rifles with 0.2202.50 or 0.223 Remington work best with these kinds of guns. They are used both by seasoned hunters and well as intermediate-level hunters.
Long range rifles
You can use long-range rifles when you’re in the woods and hunting for wild animals far from your vicinity. Experienced hunters mainly use them due to their quality and weight. Hunters in dense forests generally hunt pronghorn, sheep, elk, or mule deer with these guys. Some of the cartridges compatible with this gun include:
- 6.5 PRC
- .270 Winchester
- .270 Winchester Shirt Magnum
- 7MM Winchester Short Magnum
- .300 Winchester Magnum
Woods Rifle
It is an extensively used rifle for hunting, especially the big animals. These are used primarily by hunters traveling through the dense forest in the United States and are avoided in yards short past 100 yards. Due to their rapid target acquisition power, they allow hunters to set their goal on the target and shoot them precisely within seconds. These rifles are used for deer, wild boars, and pigs. They are suitable for all those rare cartridges, .450 Bushmaster and .50 Beowulf these days.
Top Essential Survival Tactics while Hunting
Imagine yourself as a novice hunter, hunting for some fresh meat in the woods. Unfortunately, there are high chances of getting lost or eaten alive by a wild animal. Do you know any survival skills that could prevent you from such dangers?
Hunting can pose life-threatening challenges to a hunter, as fun and adventurous as it is. So even if you’re a novice hunter, you need to possess survival tips and skills to survive the harsh woods. In addition, you are often exposed in the open, with no protection against wild animals, rain, falling trees, and other such situations. Hence, it is better to be prepared than to suffer alone in the dense forest.
Carrying Navigation tools
Losing your way in the deep, dense forest can be one of the most daunting experiences in life. If you’ve watched documentaries on the same, you can relate to this experience. It is wise to carry navigation tools to help you find your way back. If you forget to pack one, note the sun’s position, which can be your best friend in finding your way around. It is also great to carve markings on trees and leave imprints on the ground so that you can follow your path in case you get lost.
Carrying water purifiers
No amount of water is enough when you’re going on hunting, as it is an extremely exhausting task. It is impossible to live even a day without water safely. Clean water is found in the woods, but learning to fetch it safely is a skill many hunters lack. Some lakes and ponds in the woods can also be infected with poisonous substances or fecal matter from animals. Hence, it is best to carry a miniature purifier to keep diseases and death at bay.
Building huts for shelter
Building a shelter to protect yourself from wild animals is a life-surviving skill that everyone should be aware of, especially if you’re away from home, hunting for an entire day! Once it starts getting darker, it is imperative to shift to a safer place, away from elevation. Building huts made of large leaves, logs of wood, and other materials will prevent you from prey to wild animals and help you stay warm among the drastic temperature drop in the woods.
Starting a campfire
Although we’re not cavemen, we ought to know how to start and ignite woods and leaves to save our lives. If you cannot light a fire with stone, a modernized way is to carry a lighter or matchbox. Collect dry objects like wood, dry leaves, and other materials from the forest and ignite them to start a fire. One essential technique is to create a small flame by using smaller leaves and moving to more essential items to keep the flame going.
Tactical Hunting Gears Every Hunter Must Possess
As much as animals and forests are mandatory for hunting, so are tactical hunting gears. Hunting gears are among the critical factors leading to a successful hunting experience. With the advent of technology and the introduction of various hunting equipment in 2022, we now have the best hunting gear of all time. Also, here is a list of the must-have hunting gear. So, if you’re going hunting anytime soon, check them out below in the article!
Hunting backpacks
Investing in a quality bag pack is a mere necessity to carry your water bottles, hunting tools, raincoats, umbrella, etc. Choosing the ones which can withstand mud, rain, and extreme sun heat can be a good investment. This does not mean you should look for overpriced gear out of your budget. You can check the reviews of avid hunters and buy the best ones that suit your needs.
Foldable benches or tree stands
Foldable and portable tree stands help hunters sit while taking a rest. When you dive into hunting, you will need lots of running and walking. Therefore, taking rest every two hours is essential for the body. Investing in tree stands will make it easier for you to sit without getting your clothes and equipment wet or muddy.
Meat collector bags
Carrying meat collector bags or game bags makes it easier to butcher the meat, keeping it off the ground to prevent dust and mud. Investing in a good quality game bag will make your meat go from stale meat to a steak dinner.
Scent controllers and detergents
Animals are capable of smelling bait from miles away. If you’re not careful of the wind direction, you probably will lose the hunt even before it begins and serve yourself as dinner to the wild cats. Scent controllers help in utilizing human scent, thus making it difficult for the animals to catch you.
What’s hunting without knives? It holds paramount importance in hunting. Sharpe blades of high quality, which do not bend on resistance, are essential for hunting and butchering. There are various hunting knives in the market, like straight edges, fixed blades, serrated, skinners, and many more. You can select the right ones based on your needs and the animals you’re going to hunt for!
Predator calls
Knowing when to make the right call to get a clean hunt is essential. Whether you want to catch an elk or mimic the rattles of a deer, a game call can get the job done for you. If you’re lucky, animals nearby will respond to your calls, and you can chase them in their direction. However, it is imperative to use them carefully as they can even scare the animal deeper into the woods, way out of your reach!
Hunting Tips for Beginners – Have Amazing Hunting Trips
Hunting is a popular sport and recreational activity that requires plenty of skill and an alert state of mind. It can’t be mastered in a day or two. However, you can take certain steps to ensure that you are off to a great start. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can have enjoyable hunting trips and ensure your chances of becoming a successful hunter:
Understand the Behavior of the Animals Well
Most hunters typically enjoy hunting deer. The first step is to understand as much as you can about the animal’s behavior, characteristics, and preferred habitat. Hence, when you are on hunting trips, it serves you well to carefully observe and make notes of the behavior of the animals, at what time they are most active, where they like to eat, and at what time they like to sleep. You can carry a small notebook with you to make notes.
Make the Right Weapon Choice
Your weapons choice will typically depend on the season you are hunting in and what you are most comfortable with. Many hunters like to get on trees, hide themselves and use bow and arrows to hunt the animals. There are many types of hunting bows available as well.
You can also go with the conventional option, i.e., firearms. Regardless of the option you choose, it helps to put in some time for target practice. It is also vital to keep in mind the various firearms safety and maintenance tips in order to prevent yourself or others from getting into harm’s way.
Safety Should Be Your Top Priority
Apart from firearms safety, you also need to know some basic first aid. Hunting can be a physically and mentally strenuous activity, which can significantly shoot up the heart rate. Hence, if your hunting companion suffers from a heart attack, you will need to know how to perform CPR.
It is also important to keep your family members informed about the hunting trips and carry radios with you on the hunting trips. Keep in mind that you will not be the only hunter in the area. This is why most hunters like to wear bright orange hunting outfits in order to ensure visibility and avoid being mistaken for the animals.
Scent Control is Vital
This is a tip that many beginner hunters overlook. Many animals have sensitive noses, and they are able to pick up quickly on scents. Hence, it is best to get rid of your body odor. Make sure to shower well before the hunting trip and avoid using anything with chemicals on your hair and body.
Take Your Time
Hunting shouldn’t be a hurried activity. Many hunters often describe hunting as a meditative activity. It is best to take your time and plan your spots. Watching your step will help ensure that you don’t leave behind a scent trail for animals to pick up on.
Basic hunting Checklist for Beginners
From the beginning of humanity, hunting has always been a popular sport. To experience the thrill and get fresh meat, more than 15 million Americans are indulged in hunting. However, even though hunting is exciting, it is a tedious, unproductive, and dangerous task if you are not equipped properly.
If you want to succeed in your next hunting outing, you can look into this hunting checklist.
Things you need before hunting
Before you go hunting, you need a license, weapon, and hunting ground. To get these things ready, you need to do the following things.
Get your license and safety certification
Having a license is crucial if you want to hunt on public or private property. But before getting the license, you must take the hunter safety education course and pass the test.
It is essential to follow the hunting protocol and regulations of the area you plan to hunt. Failing to follow those protocols can result in fines and even jail time.
Practice shooting
Before going hunting, find the equipment that suits your style. For example, many people prefer rifles, while others prefer a handgun. So, find the best hunting weapon that can fulfill your need. Then, select a gun and practice with it until you have mastered the aim. Practicing will help you know if you need other accessories like tripods or suppressors to improve your aim.
Search for a hunting ground
To find the hunting ground, you can hunt on your own property if you own a large piece of land. Or else you can also consider leasing private land and going hunting.
You can find public hunting lands available if you don’t own land and cannot lease a property. Once you find a suitable hunting ground, use a map to understand the layout of the land and learn about its terrain. Then, based on the terrain of the land, you have to get hunting gear.
Hunting accessories and equipment
Whatever you skip, ensure your hunting pack list has all these items.
A cooler with ice is vital if you want to keep your kill fresh. The size of the cooler will depend on the type of catch you are trying to get.
Water Bottle
Hunting is daunting, and you will have to walk for a long time. Therefore keeping yourself hydrated is essential to avoid heatstroke, fatigue, and other health issues. So, pack a water bottle that can hold enough water for three to four days.
Scent Blocker
Make sure you do not wear strong perfumes or do not have any strong odor while hunting. Your odor will alert the prey, and they might run before you catch it. Therefore wear a scent blocker that will hide your scent.
Scent attraction
If you want your prey to come to you, it is best if you pack a scent attractant. For attracting deer, it is best to use doe-urinated products.
Compass or GPS
Pack a compass or GPS to track your location and find your way home. So, make sure you have packed all the essential things when hunting to have a safe and thrilling hunting experience.
Hunting Checklist – Tips to Keep in Mind for Your Next Hunting Trip
Hunting trips require a great deal of physical and mental preparation. You need to have the right mindset and also know how to use your weapon of choice well. Ideally, you also need to have a pre-hunt checklist with you in order to avoid confusion and ensure that the entire hunting trip goes smoothly. Here are some hunting checklist tips to keep in mind for your next hunting trip:
Carry Clean Clothes with You
This is a simple but often overlooked tip. It never hurts to be too careful on hunting trips. Many animals have a highly sensitive smelling capacity, and the last thing you want is for them to pick up your scent and run away.
Hence, you need to be careful about how you assemble the clothes in your bag. It is also recommended to take a shower without the use of soaps or shampoos right before your hunting trip. You can also carry scent-eliminating sprays and liquids with you.
Wear the Right Apparel
Ideally, it is best to wear brightly colored clothes on hunting trips. The most popular color option is camo orange. In addition, make sure to purchase high-quality field dressing gloves, heavy-duty boots, and a durable backpack. You can wear a hat or balaclava as well.
Carry These Essential Supplies
You will need to have flashlights and batteries. In case you run out of drinking water, you will be forced to adapt and drink the water you may find around you. Hence, it helps to carry enough water purification pills with you.
Make sure also to carry two-way radio communication devices and high-quality paracords. You can use a rangefinder, game decoys, and wind checker to increase the chances of your success. Many people also like to carry a survival guidebook to use as a reference.
Be Well Versed With the Hunting Laws
When you choose a place for hunting, make sure to understand the various laws and regulations about that place. Keep in mind that the regulations get updated frequently. Hence, you will need to stay fully up-to-date.
Carry Enough Water and Snacks With You
Hunting trips can be time-consuming and exhausting. You may get tired after walking around for a long time. Hence, it is important to keep enough food supplies with you, especially if you have hunting companions.
Carry Some Extra Hunting Gear With You
Depending on the season, you will want to dress appropriately. If you are hunting in the cold seasons, it helps to have hand warmers with you. You can also keep a bear mace spray for additional safety.
If the place where you are doing the hunting is known to have many lakes, you can bring your fishing gear. Make sure to also carry a notepad with you in order to jot down important details about the behavior of the animals and the habitat.
Essential Hunting Gears
Hunting has always been a significant part of human history. They are very popular today as it is an exciting sport and offers fresh meat. However, even though this is a very thrilling sport, they are very dangerous and can turn out unproductive if not equipped properly.
Having essential hunting gear with you can make the daunting and challenging task of hunting a bit easy. Although each hunt will require different hunting gear, there are a few items of hunting gear without which you should not head out. You can look into this guide to know the essential items you should add to your hunting gear.
Vital clothing for hunters
When you go for a hunt, the clothes you choose must be based on the weather where you intend to hunt. Hunters might face risks like hypothermia if they are not properly clothed based on the weather condition. To avoid such risks, you should have the following:
Hunting Rain gear
One of the best ways to avoid the threat of conditions like hypothermia is by wearing high-quality rain gear. Quality rain gear will prevent moisture from reaching the body and trapping sweat by providing proper ventilation.
Base layers for hunting
Another way to manage moisture while hunting is to have base layers. This will keep your body dry by keeping sweat away. In addition, some hunting brands provide base layers capable of blocking scents.
Hunting during morning and evening hours is better for improving your success percentage. However, during these hours, the weather will be cold and humid. By wearing a jacket, you can protect yourself from weather conditions and keep yourself warm. But while buying a jacket, make sure that they have camouflage patterns that will match the terrain of the hunting ground.
High-quality boots will reduce the sound of your footsteps and keep your foot dry. They will also be made out of scent-free material, allowing you to move without getting detected by your prey.
Essential Hunting tools
If you are a hunter, you should always carry a knife. Various types of knives are available- some prefer fixed blades, while others prefer folding knives. From cutting the rope to notching hunting tags, hunting knives are used in many things. Some people also carry a versatile multi-tool.
Based on the hunting game you are going, people also carry guns. Some people prefer handguns, while others prefer rifles.
Important Navigation for hunting
While hunting, knowing where you are going, where you are, and how to get back to civilization is essential. So, to safely navigate the hunting ground, you must carry a traditional map and compass. But you should know to use them properly; otherwise, it is of no use.
Instead of using these tools, you can use hunting GPS units. They are available in a wide range of prices and models. You can also consider a more straightforward and cheaper alternative like the onX Hunt App, an offline map. When going hunting, ensure that you have all the essential Hunting gear ready for a fruitful hunt.
Deer Hunting Tips for Beginners
Hunting is a recreational activity that has centuries of history. Kings of different dynasties were well-trained in hunting, which was mainly recreational. Although hunting in today’s world is prohibited in different parts, it is still one of the leisure activities followed by many.
As fun as it sounds, hunting is not an easy endeavor, especially deer hunting, considered one of the most challenging animals to hunt. However, a successful hunter often possesses the right skills, analytical and quick mind with the right skills to fetch the right deer and bring home the big bucks. For beginners, gaining some knowledge on hunting deer will put them on the right track to get started. If you’re in the woods for the first time or a seasoned deer hunter, the tactics mentioned here will help you in all ways possible. Stick around to know more!
Best time for deer hunting
The best time for hunting deer depends on the location and the time you can spare for the activity. If you’re well prepared for the activity, circumstances can work in your favor.
Since deer are crepuscular creatures, they are active during sunrise and sunset, but they come out of their shelter in search of food and water, which is the best time to hunt.
Hunting competitor’s in the forest
Since hunting is a popular recreational activity, it is a no-brainer that you will also come across other hunters in the wood, making your chances bleak of finding any deer. Hence, you might have to go deeper into the woods or change your hunting location to avoid such situations.
The monthly moon cycle
One of the most unusual facts is that deer movement is also associated with the moon cycle. Deers are primarily active during moon rise and show minor activity on full moon day. Although it can be intimidating to plan your hunting schedule based on moon position, doing so can get you the best results and land you on the prettiest or biggest deer’s.
Calling a deer
Hunting for an animal is associated with calling out for them. But different methods are followed for other animals. For example, while hunting for deer, various tools and techniques are used to call them out in the open. One of the easiest methods is mimicking deer sounds, effectively piquing their interest. Although instruments and tools like grunt, rattle, snort, and bleat are used to call them out, it still takes immense practice and precision to use the tool rightly, lest you should scare them away.
The points mentioned above are the basics every deer hunter ought to follow. Apart from this, there are other things to consider when you’re in the presence of other wild animals in the woods. Knowing about their sublet movements, the climatic conditions of the wood, and other factors also play an essential role while deer hunting.
Best tips for Safe Hunting
Hunting is a very popular sport activity. However, whether you are hunting for the thrill or to get fresh meat, it is a sport that requires skill, focus, and planning. Even though hunting is an entertaining outdoor activity, it can be dangerous and often unproductive if done without any strategy.
Many hunters suffer injuries yearly, and a few unfortunate people even die while hunting. Many of the injuries are caused due to gun accidents, while others get injured due to unstable terrain or dangerous animals they come across while hunting. Therefore it is essential to understand the risk and dangers of hunting before heading out.
Hunting is a dangerous outdoor activity. Therefore it is vital to take some precautions to play safe. You can look into this guide to learn the top tips for safe hunting.
Understand heart attack warning sighs
One research on middle-aged hunters shows that activities that are related to hunting, like navigating through difficult terrains, shooting animals, and dragging their carcasses, can increase heart rates. This increases the risk of a heart attack. So, if you are a hunter unfamiliar with strenuous hikes, it is better to take breaks, relax, and move forward.
Pay attention to your surrounding
While hunting, you must focus and pay attention to your surroundings. When you are careless, you may encounter fall accidents and other injuries.
Ensure that your tree stand is secure
It is a useful hunting tool that allows the hunters to get an elevated view of their surroundings and help them avoid getting detected by the prey due to the strong ground scent. But if not careful, tree stands are very dangerous. Getting on and off the stand can be daunting; there is always a possibility of trip and fall accidents.
So, if you are in the stand, you must be very careful. Even though you need to be aware of the target, you need to be aware of where you are. The chance of falling from a tree stand is 15 feet, and it can cause broken bones, paralysis, or death. Therefore, wearing a fall restrain and harnesses is advised as that will tether the hunter to the tree, mitigating the risk of tripping from the stand.
Don’t hunt alone
Whenever you go hunting, make sure you are not alone in this hunting game. Together, you both can keep a watch on each other back, and if anyone of you encounters an accident, the other person can assist the injured person. A simple twist of the leg can sometimes become life-threatening, especially if you are in unfamiliar terrain. So, ensure you have at least one partner when hunting.
Wear hunter orange
Always remember that you might not be the only one who might be hunting in a particular region. They can mistake you for an animal and shoot you down. To distinguish yourself as a human being, you must wear blaze orange, also known as hunting orange.
Hunting is a sport that is enjoyed by everyone. But you must ensure that you are safe and take necessary precautions to prevent unfortunate accidents.
Best Hunting tips
You must have prepared a lot for your next hunting expenditure. But if you want to succeed in hunting, you must cover all the basics and have a solid strategy.
You can look into this guide to learn some basic hunting tips that can help you in your next hunting expenditure.
Hide your smell
One of the essential hunting tips is to hide your smell. When going deer hunting, check in which direction the wind is blowing. Deer will not run away even if they see you or hear you. But the moment they get your smell, they will panic and run away.
If you want to avoid the possibility of getting smelled by the deer, you should hunt in such a way that the wind hits your face or in other ways that will blow your human order away from the deer.
Scrape strategies
Bucks use scrapes to mark their area and make their presence known by spreading their scents throughout the areas. The typical scrapping behavior will involve dissipating their smell from their nasal or forehead glands. Once they are done with scraping, they will urinate on the ground. Thus, hunting over scrapes and understanding their pattern is a good strategy.
But instead of directly hunting over the scrape, it is better to hunt downwind and set up along the path of the scrape. This is because bucks will generally visit the scrape at night. And by setting up along the trail to the scrape, you will be able to intercept a buck going to the scrape.
Make maximum sound as possible
If you want to attract whitetail deer, it is best to set up rattle devices, a form of communication between whitetail deer. Either a set of antlers or an artificial bag will do the job. But whatever you are using, make sure not to be timid while using rattles. Make as much noise as possible to cover more territory and attract more bucks.
When hunting the whitetail deer, the hunters need to consider the weather. Hunting before and after peak rut season when the weather is in your favor will give your chances to win. Hunting before a cold front after a warm period will help you spot more and hunt down old bucks.
The best time to hunt is the time before the cold front and one or two days after the cold front moves out. This is the best period to capture maximum bucks. Also, ensure you do not go hunting when the weather is warm. Just like human beings, deer all react to weather conditions. So, understand the pattern and how deer react to it to make weather your ally.
Know the place where the deer feeds
Every animal, including deer, has to eat every day. Therefore the best place to find the deer will be near their favorite food. Also, you will have to understand that deer eat specific food during different year periods. So, learn what, when, and where deer will feed. Then, learn about the pattern of their eating to find the source of food so that you can hunt there.
Whether you are a seasoned hunter or a newbie, remember these deer hunting tips to increase the chances of capturing a buck.